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Exa 1b is a 35mm SLR camera, manufactured in the years 1977 to 1985 in the former GDR by VEB Pentacon. This is a continuation of the series Ihagee Exa.
VEB Pentacon gave a license for the manufacturing of cameras Exa to companies Certo Camera Werk and Dresden-Großzsachwitz. Cameras manufactured by Certo have serial numbers beginning with the letter C. Certo manufactured later series of Exa 1b ver. 4.4 and Exa 1c ver. 4.5. Model Exa 1b received a black plastic top cover and bottom plates.
The body of model Exa 1b ver. 4.1 (according to the website of Andrzej Wrotniak) is virtually identical to the Exa Ia but only film rewind knob was replacing with crank. The lens was mounted on the M42 thread, instead of the traditional Exakta bayonet mount. The camera used an internal auto control iris. Exa 1b uses a common standard of Exakta to the focusing screen and the prism. Usually was equipped lens Meyer Domiplan, as well as Tessar lens, Makinon and Super Takumar.
In total there were manufactured 4 versions which design look slightly different (detailed descriptions in the given links). Version 4.1 was manufactured in the years 1977 to 1983 and was made 206,400 cameras. It was a fine camera with a neat construction, unfortunately the shutter construction was simplified. The camera does not have typical curtains, in this camera it replaces the mirror as a curtain, but in this solution the shutter have a weak range of exposure times.
Technical Specifications
- Lens mount: M42x1 thread,
- Focusing: matte screen, can be replaced with a prism,
- Shutter: a mirror is used as the roller shutter with vertical movement, therefore the maximum speed is limited to 1/175, half-pressing the shutter button allows you to preview the depth of field,
- Shutter Speeds: 1 / 30-1 / 175 + Setting B: Dial under the film rewind dial,
- Shutter release: on the front left of the camera, locked with a lever on the back,
- Short-jump film rewind lever,
- Frame counter: on the scroll knob, regressive,
- Mirror: lifted and non-returning. The mirror is part of the shutter mechanism. After the shutter is released, the mirror is raised, as in conventional SLRs, and simultaneously acts as the first roller blind, the opening is closed by the second curtain. The camera does not have classic shutter curtains,
- Flash sync Socket: M and X, setting on the shutter speed dial,
- Other: Movie Type Memory Dial; 1/4 inch tripod socket; belt mounts; Embossing on the back cover: „Made in GDR”,
- Body: metal
- Weight: approx. 730g
- Lens: Standard Domiplan lens (Meyer Optik), 50mm f / 2.8, 3 optical elements,
- Filters thread: 40.5mm,
- M42 thread mount, aperture stop control,
- Aperture: f / 2.8 – f / 22,
- Focus range: 0.75-12m + inf.
Details of my collection:
EXA 1b (body without lens) ver 4.1 s/n776382 (manufactured of about 1982). The camera body has no visible signs of use, only a frame counter was damaged. The purchase price 60PLN.
- https://camerapedia.fandom.com/wiki/Exa_1b
- https://www.wrotniak.net/photo/exakta/exa-serial.html
- http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Exa_1b
- http://www.exaklaus.de/exa1b.htm
- https://www.collection-appareils.fr/x/html/appareil-12404-Ihagee_Exa%20IIb.html
- http://www.exaktapages.com/
- https://www.butkus.org/chinon/exa/exa_1a/exa_ia.htm