The Foitzik-Kamerawerke was founded in 1945 in Lübeck by machine construction engineer Karl Foitzik (born 1909 in Schomberg, died in car accident 1955). There the company could make 600 pieces of its early camera types Foica, Foizica and Unca. It had troubles with the quality of the Steinheil lenses. In 1950 the factory reopened in Trier with 20 employees. It was one of the many post-war German camera manufacturers. According to various sources, the production in Trier began in 1951 and ended in 1958. Karl Foitzik himself took part in the development of cameras. The Foinix I was his construction.
The company produced several models of cameras and accessories: self-timer, rangefinders, and the viewfinder. In 1953 he took over opticians Optische Werkstätte Janetzki. During the heyday employed 150 workers and exported equipment to 60 countries. Karl Foitzik was died in a car accident in 1955, but his wife ran the company until 1958.
The camera comes from my collection of production in Trier (Foitzik-Kamerawerke, Trier AB). Production year 1950 – 58
Atlantic Unca is a bellows camera format 6×6, roll film 120.
- Lens: Foinar 4,5 / 75,
- Vario shutter B, 1 / 25, 1 / 75, 1 / 200, flash synchronized.
Data of my collection:
No s/n. I bought it for 51 PLN in pretty good condition.